Indoor Fireplace, Log Sets & Freestanding Stoves
I Overview
Indoor fireplaces and gas log sets heat their immediate surroundings. The logs are cast from a ceramic material, and are painted to look like wood. A gas fireplace or freestanding stove provides warmth and ambiance without needing to cut and store wood, or clean up ash and debris.
II Applications
A fireplace can warm a home or add charm and elegance to a restaurant, lobby, or other places where people gather and socialize.
III Equipment Options
Gas log sets are generally inserted as a retrofit into an existing fireplace with chimney. Newly installed fireplaces can be installed flush with a wall and vented through an outside wall. Models that look like a picture and mount on a wall or inside of bookcases, or see through models used as room dividers, are also available. While ceramic logs are traditional, more modern fireplaces might have fire coming out of glass beads, or use ceramic shapes or other art deco items.
Freestanding stoves look like wood stoves and can be installed almost anywhere. Freestanding stoves can be vented or vent free. Check with local codes on venting and installation location before installing any natural gas fired hearth products.
Some new fireplace units come with remote controls.
IV Resources
1. Equipment Manufacturer Database