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Gas Technology Magazine

/ Gas Technology

The Energy Solutions Center is pleased to offer a subscription to its 2024 Gas Technology—Energy Solutions for Commercial and Industrial Customers magazine. Gas Technology Magazine serves as the primary communication vehicle between gas utilities and North American commercial & industrial customers, consultants, and engineers. This magazine is used to make touch points with key accounts and plant seeds on energy efficient gas solutions that also reduce carbon footprint. Gas Technology magazine is produced 1 time per year Printed and/or electronic versions available and is available as a branded or unbranded PDF.

2024 Sample Editorial Content

  • Carbon Reduction Strategies for C&I Customers
  • Combined Heat & Power Success Stories
  • Renewable Gasses
  • Gas Heat Pumps
  • Energy Efficiency Strategies
  • Improved Resiliency with Natural Gas


Please contact Eric Burgis (eburgis@escenter.org) if you have any questions.