Industrial Furnaces and Ovens
I Overview
Natural gas is a common heat source for industrial furnaces and ovens used to treat products in a variety of industrial processes. Generally, furnaces and ovens refer to equipment that use high temperatures for the treatment.
II Applications
Processes that use high-temperature ovens and furnaces include powder curing, heat treating, smelting, metal forming, and annealing. Low-temperature ovens are used for process drying and food processing.
III Equipment Options
A variety of options are available for the treatment of products in industrial furnaces and ovens. Batch furnaces heat a quantity of stationary materials, requiring the loading and unloading of individual product batches. Belt furnaces allow for a constant product flow. Vacuum furnaces allow for the use of specialty or protective atmospheres to achieve the proper treatment.
IV Resources
1. Equipment Manufacturer Database
2. Heat Treat Consortium