Infrared Heating (Standard and Tube)
I Overview
Infrared (IR) heaters deliver heat energy by radiation, instead of convection as used by conventional space heaters. There are two basic types of infrared radiant heaters: Luminous, high intensity heaters, and radiant tube heaters.
Radiant tube gas-fired heaters may use combustion of a fuel gas such as natural gas or propane to heat a steel or ceramic tube. Radiant energy from the tube will strike floors and other objects in the area, warming them. Objects warmed in this way will maintain their warmth, even when a large volume of cold air is suddenly introduced, such as in maintenance garages for vehicles.
II Applications
IR heaters are most effective where heating specific objects is more important than heating air. Therefore, they are often used in large spaces, such as garages or hangars, heavily vented industrial spaces, and even for outdoor comfort use such as patio heaters.
III Equipment Options
Tube-type heaters can be continuous with several burners connected together in series, or they may be individual units. The flame may be either forced into the tube (pressure) or sucked through the tube via a fan (vacuum).
Panel-type heaters use ceramic or porous metal plates with thousands of holes that allow gas to flow through them to the surface. Upon reaching the surface, the gas burns, causing the panel to glow with radiant energy. The gas flame may be on the surface, inside or behind the panel depending on the burner design and application.
IV Resources
1. Equipment Manufacturer Database