CHP Reports & Case Studies

Micro-CHP Report
This report summarizes the results of a screening effort by DE Solutions to identify and select from current technology providers of micro-CHP...

C&F Case History Report
This report summarized the one year evaluation of a engine-based CHP system as a food processor in Nicor Gas' service territory. Major funding was...

Faith Plating Case History Report
This report summarized the one year evaluation of a micro-turbine CHP system a Plating Shop in SoCal Gas' service territory. Major funding was...

Higgins Plating 2006 Poster Presentation
This document provides a look at the one year evaluation of a microturbine-based CHP system as a Brick Kiln in SoCal Gas' service territory. Major...

Arrow Linen Case History
This report summarized the one year evaluation of a engine-based CHP system as a food processor in Nicor Gas' service territory. Major funding was...

Arrow Linen Publicity Document
Publicity release by National Grid on the Arrow Linen Project