Low Carbon - Articles

August 29, 2019

Hawaii utility launches huge renewables tender as island state pursues 100% target

Energy Central article 8/28

BY eburgis
August 29, 2019

Electrification Workgroup, ESC, AHRI, GTI

September 2019 TMAF - St. Louis, Day 1. Speakers: Eric Burgis-ESC, Francis Dietz-AHRI, Neil Leslie-GTIe

BY eburgis
August 29, 2019

Energy’s Future — Battery and Storage Technologies

Article that focuses on Vanadium batteries for electric storage. The 1st half of the article touches on multiple ways to store electric.

BY eburgis
August 28, 2019

Climate Impacts of Wind Power study

Harvard Study 10/2018. Study finds that while GHG's drop with wind power, the climatic impact of wind power is an increase in global temperatures in...

BY eburgis
August 22, 2019

Tesla Solar items

Two articles and Tesla website content. One article is on the Solar rental program offering from Tesla. Also web content on this item. Other...

BY eburgis
August 8, 2019


Study on the new energy economy

BY eburgis
August 8, 2019

Renewable Cost Article-Mark_Mills_WSJ_Aug_5_2019

Op Ed article on the tremendous resources used to create renewable power.

BY eburgis
July 25, 2019

Clean_Energy_Goals-ESCB_2019 Article

Article on commercial sector electrification. Published in ESCB

BY eburgis
July 24, 2019


Article that says building all electric homes is cheaper than homes with gas & electric and that we need to ditch gas and switch to electric.

BY eburgis
July 24, 2019

NYC Cuomo’s_Outages-WSJ-072219

Article suggests that the NY war on fossil fuels is in part to blame on weekend black outs.

BY eburgis