Low Carbon - Renewable Natural Gas

October 3, 2019

Column: Hydrogen gas companies have reliable alternative to solar

Article in the Star

BY eburgis
October 1, 2019

Renewable gas or electrification? Minnesota’s high stakes experiment on building decarbonization

Article posted in Utility Dive 100119

BY eburgis
September 27, 2019

Roselein RNG Video

10 minute video on RNG from anaerobic digestion and rebuilding prairies to save CO2.

BY eburgis
September 3, 2019

Column: Hawaii’s energy goals have room for renewable natural gas

Article in Hawaii Star Advertiser

BY eburgis
August 12, 2019

Converting Waste to Biofuels Reduces Emissions UCLA 080119

RNG article. Claims if we take all U.S. waste and convert to bio-fuels, the amount would be enough to provide all energy to OR & WA and save a lot...

BY eburgis
May 13, 2019

RNG, Ben and Jerry’s & the Vermont Tariff, Vermont Gas, Gifford

June 2019 TMAF - Montreal, Day 2

BY eburgis
May 13, 2019

Power-to-Gas and RNG Efforts in Canada, Enbridge, Teichroeb

June 2019 TMAF - Montreal, Day 2

BY eburgis
December 6, 2018

Oregon Biogas and Renewable Biogas and Renewable Biogas and Renewable Biogas and Renewable Biogas an

2018 Report to the Oregon 2018 Report to the Oregon Legislature Legislature

BY eburgis
December 6, 2018

Pacific Northwest Pathways to 2050

Achieving an 80% reduction in economy-wide greenhouse gases by 2050 November

BY eburgis