Strategic Marketing
/ Objective
One of ESC’s critical success factors is to accelerate the introduction and utilization new gas solutions that improve customer productivity, reliability, competitiveness, and comfort. ESC products and services help to increase the competency of utility staff to address customer needs, and to enhance the professionalism of marketing, sales, and customer support staff within the utility and amongst customers. ESC serves as a forum to identify and develop successful marketing, sales, and customer relationship strategies and approaches, whether the utility is focused on load retention and growth, or conservation and efficiency.
Through the Technology and Market Assessment Forums and through our consortia programs, ESC assesses market needs to increase the deployment of natural gas appliances, equipment, and systems. ESC programs and activities help to create innovative marketing partnerships between utilities that distribute natural gas, equipment manufacturers and vendors, architects and engineers, and energy customers. Using the drop down chart to the left, reports and PowerPoint presentations can be found on a variety of strategic marketing topics.