TMAF Speakers Information

Speaker Information TMAF Meeting

The Energy Solutions Center Inc. is a trade association of energy utilities that promotes the utilization of new gas-fueled equipment for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. We thank you for agreeing to speak to our membership at our upcoming Technology and Market Assessment Forum.

The opportunity to speak before the TMAF has led to many successful partnerships between the nation’s gas utilities and vendors of gas-fired equipment. The Center raises funds to help demonstrate gas equipment at customer locations around the country and produces marketing support materials to help equipment manufacturers and utilities more successfully penetrate their markets. Our members are anxious to support and promote new gas-fueled equipment being developed by companies such as yours.

We sincerely hope that you are as excited about this opportunity as we are. The nation’s largest utilities are anxious to meet with you at TMAF and to join you in marketing new gas-fueled technologies to thousands of customers.

Your Presentation

Your presentation is the most vital part of your participation in the event. We have put together a guideline to help you tailor your presentation to our group. Please note that all speaking sessions are 40 minutes long. If you are an equipment manufacturer, please read the guidelines and suggestions thoroughly. We have put all our past experiences into the development of these guidelines to help you MAXIMIZE this opportunity. We want to help you make the most of the time you are given and we welcome the chance to talk to you more in detail about what should be in the presentation.

Presentations should be sized to 16:9 formatting (standard PowerPoint default). ESC compiles the meeting presentations into a master file to ensure that our agenda runs smoothly throughout the day, and on-site changes will not be accommodated.

Presentation Guidelines (click to download PDF) 

We do ask you to upload the presentation by Tuesday, May 20, 2025 so that we have time to review and suggest changes if needed.

CLICK HERE to Upload your presentation. (Max upload file size is 200 Meg)